Our oil grade Itrana shows extraordinary organoleptic properties.
The extra vergine oil (EVO), produced out of these olives,
is abundant with polyphenols (869 mg/kg in the oil vintage 2015),
vitamins of the E-group like tocopherol, and of the K-group,
but it is as well rich in sodium, calcium, potassium, and iron.
In particular, oleocantal polyphenol has proved beneficial in the struggle
against cancer. A study by Paul Breslin at the Monell Chemical Senses Center
in Philadelphia has shown an antiphlogistic effect, similar to Ibuprofen.
The cold extraction, performed within
after the olive harvest, saves all the qualities
unmodified until final use.
The use of high quality EVO-oils in raw condition,
by which LDL-molecules are sheltered from oxydation,
reduces the proportion of oxicidised LDL-cholesterol (« bad cholesterol »)
and benefits the HDL-cholesterol (« good cholesterol ») in blood,
gaining exceptional advantages for health.
All this is proved by Monica (supervision of cardiovascular diseases),
i.e. a WHO-survey in the 1980s, which attributed the longevity
of the Campodimele inhabitants to their way of living and their nutrition.